Saturday, September 26, 2009

Jumpstart your Career in Journalism: Become a Prostitute...Er... Hero?

FOX is having a field day... they've finally found their up and coming star investigative reporter. If I have to see one more interview on that station where one correspondent or another is telling Hannah Giles she is a hero and a true American, I think I might barf. Here my fellow classmates and I are at the Annenberg school for Communication, one of the best journalism schools in the country, working our butts off to complete a very academically rigorous program while also paying our dues through countless unpaid internships, when really all along there was a much easier way to go about this whole process...

Step One: Contact a "political activist" through facebook, tell him you want to legitimize your dreams of becoming a prostitute and put those old Halloween costumes to good use.

Step Two: Go jogging...get lost in an underprivileged neighborhood and while you're there think about a great way to make the life of that homeless woman you just ran past more miserable than it already is while simultaneously taking down one of those evil liberal grass-roots organizations...the good they've been doing lately must stop!

Step Three: Try out your sting. If they threaten to arrest you, just find another city whose branch has dumber employees...success!

Step Four: Give your investigative masterpiece to the most credible news organization you can think of, bonus points if they might also agree with your plan to single-handedly expose the liberals of America for who they really are...those grimy people-loving, kind-hearted, do gooders...

Step Five: Yayyy, mission accomplished, bask in your glory! Schedule regular appearances on the FOX network to receive praise and accolade from everyone. The world is a better place because of how easily you passed as a prostitute. You are a HERO and represent everything this country stands for.

If you got a good laugh out of this and are as frustrated as I am with the 24-hour news networks' affinity for sensationalizing stories without fact-checking them, then I encourage you to check out this Rachel Maddow clip as she attempts to straighten out some of the facts of the ACORN sting.
OR if you were very upset by my post and are currently writing your own "thank you" letter to Hannah for righting the wrongs of the world, you might enjoy this fun interview of Hannah's partner in crime, or rather crime-fighting, the esteemed filmaker and pimp daddy extraordinaire, James O' one of several interviews FOX did with him in his pimp suit.

Am I the only one who thinks this interview seems like something straight from the Onion News Network?


  1. Seriously, just look at the title "Acorn Pimp" in "Pimp" costume!! It seems about as believable as the ONN's Hillary Clinton story ( )

  2. What are women even doing in journalism...aside from the occasional eye candy football game reporter, women belong cooking me my meals and doing my laundry
